14Animals Only Vets Have Seen onX-Rays

Good vets inzoos have their animals examined every year. Aside from all other necessary procedures, animals should bex-rayed. Wedidnt expectit, but the x-ray images ofsome animals madeus see them from acompletely different angle.

Good vets in zoos have their animals examined every year. Aside from all other necessary procedures, animals should be x-rayed. We didn’t expect it, but the x-ray images of some animals made us see them from a completely different angle.

1. Flying fox

2. Flamingo

3. Hedgehog (the dark circle is gas in the stomach)

4. Pregnant horse

5. Thick-tailed gecko

6. Wolf eel

7. Tiger (paw)

8. Chameleon

9. Three-banded armadillo

10. Owl

11. Toucan (beak)

12. Royal python

13. Beaver (tail)

14. Turtle

