20 People Shared Embarrassing Stories That Cant Be Told to Everyone

One time, acolleague andI were ataseminar. Wewere sitting inthe front row and the lecturer was giving along, boring, and monotonous speech. Itwas early morning, the weather was warm, and the sun was shining through the window right onus. Atsome point, Ihear the phrase right inmyear, Are you feeling really good orreally bad? Igot upinshock and

  • One time, a colleague and I were at a seminar. We were sitting in the front row and the lecturer was giving a long, boring, and monotonous speech. It was early morning, the weather was warm, and the sun was shining through the window right on us. At some point, I hear the phrase right in my ear, “Are you feeling really good or really bad?” I got up in shock and realized I laid my head down on my colleague’s shoulder — I was lying with my nose buried in her shoulder and smiling. I was having a dream about my husband. Everyone around was keeping silent and looking at me. Moreover, this colleague had a son born 1 week prior to this, which made me look even worse in everyone’s eyes. © Snail / AdMe

  • I was singing along to my Spotify playlist during a boring meeting via Zoom. Turns out, I was NOT muted as I had thought. I could’ve crawled into a hole and never gotten out of it. © farts_n_darts / Reddit

  • It happened a long time ago when I was pregnant. My husband and I dropped in a shop at the seaside and I saw a flounder fish. It was huge with spikes, and it cost a lot too. Amazed, I hugged my husband, tickled behind his ear, and murmured, “Shall we buy it?” At this moment, I realized it was not my husband. My husband was standing to the left and I hugged a complete stranger. © Oksana Zveryanskaya / Facebook

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