One time, a colleague and I were at a seminar. We were sitting in the front row and the lecturer was giving a long, boring, and monotonous speech. It was early morning, the weather was warm, and the sun was shining through the window right on us. At some point, I hear the phrase right in my ear, “Are you feeling really good or really bad?” I got up in shock and realized I laid my head down on my colleague’s shoulder — I was lying with my nose buried in her shoulder and smiling. I was having a dream about my husband. Everyone around was keeping silent and looking at me. Moreover, this colleague had a son born 1 week prior to this, which made me look even worse in everyone’s eyes. © Snail / AdMe
I was singing along to my Spotify playlist during a boring meeting via Zoom. Turns out, I was NOT muted as I had thought. I could’ve crawled into a hole and never gotten out of it. © farts_n_darts / Reddit
It happened a long time ago when I was pregnant. My husband and I dropped in a shop at the seaside and I saw a flounder fish. It was huge with spikes, and it cost a lot too. Amazed, I hugged my husband, tickled behind his ear, and murmured, “Shall we buy it?” At this moment, I realized it was not my husband. My husband was standing to the left and I hugged a complete stranger. © Oksana Zveryanskaya / Facebook