Spaghetti Burrito: HealthyJunkFood YouTube Creates New Trend

November 15, 2017 12:56 PM EST In the pantheon of foods you can put in a tortilla to create a burrito, spaghetti is not the first item that comes to mind. But thanks to the creative thinking of the chefs behind the YouTube channel HealthyJunkFood, spaghetti burritos are now a reality.

November 15, 2017 12:56 PM EST

In the pantheon of foods you can put in a tortilla to create a burrito, spaghetti is not the first item that comes to mind. But thanks to the creative thinking of the chefs behind the YouTube channel HealthyJunkFood, spaghetti burritos are now a reality.

Chefs JP Lambiase and Julia Goolia battle for the best version of the spaghetti burrito in the latest installment on their YouTube channel. Goolia’s burrito involves wrapping regular spaghetti doused in tomato sauce in a mozzarella cheese-lined tortilla and topped with more cheese. The burrito is then pan-fried, covered in oil, parsley, garlic powder and parmesan cheese and baked. The resulting burrito is a gooey mess of cheese and spaghetti.

“It tastes like garlic bread just wrapped around spaghetti,” Lambiase said.

Lambiase’s version of the burrito moves away from traditional tortillas. Instead, he mixes meat, cheese and seasonings to form a “meat log” that he wraps in spaghetti, covers in breadcrumbs and deep fries for a flavorful, difficult-to-eat burrito. Check out which burrito you like better in the video above.

