Are Jake and Chucky Friends or Will Chucky's Unnatural Instincts Get the Best of Him?

As Chucky tries to make Jake his murderous protg, we watch him struggle with this moral dilemma. To kill or not to kill. Will Chucky kill Jake? For a serial killer turned doll, Chucky sure does have a soft spot for the occasional friend. It's not entirely clear why he gravitates toward someone in almost

As Chucky tries to make Jake his murderous protégé, we watch him struggle with this moral dilemma. To kill or not to kill. Will Chucky kill Jake?

Source: SyFy

For a serial killer turned doll, Chucky sure does have a soft spot for the occasional friend. It's not entirely clear why he gravitates toward someone in almost every film, and now in the SyFy series Chucky, he has befriended a teenage boy.

Jake Wheeler (Zackary Arthur) is being groomed by Chucky to kill, and this is not the first time he has done this. It almost seems like Jake is important to Chucky, but will Chucky kill Jake?

Source: SyFy

Will Chucky kill Jake?

In the fourth episode of Chucky, titled "Just Let Go," we learn a little bit more about Charles Lee Ray's origin story via more flashbacks, and what we see looks vaguely familiar. As a child, Charles Lee Ray spent time in the Burlington County Home after his parents died. At the time he was 14 years old, and in these flashbacks, we see that he has befriended a younger boy.

Unfortunately, Charles Lee Ray's desire to murder was already activated, as noted by the fact that he killed the home's janitor. Before fleeing from the scene of the crime, he left his young friend a parting "gift," in the form of the severed janitor's hand.

We then learn the young boy is Eddie Caputo, who was Charles' partner in the original Child's Play movie. Eddie, known as the Lakeshore Strangler, left Charles for dead, which led him to vow to get his revenge on Eddie.

The Chucky TV show has no right to be as enjoyable as it is.

— Sterling Richards (@RRSterling) November 3, 2021 Source: Twitter/@RRSterling

There are two theories we can put forth here. One is that someone in Jake's universe is related to Eddie Caputo, and by killing them, this is how Chucky will exact his revenge. Another, is that Jake is somehow connected to Eddie, which means Chucky is simply repeating history by attempting to turn him into a killer, which would ruin his life.

Regardless of what's going on, it's clear that Chucky needs Jake, for reasons we hope will be revealed soon. He can't kill him, yet.

Source: SyFy

Can Jake actually kill Chucky?

Physically, Chucky is nearly impossible to kill, as noted by the numerous times he has survived his own death. In the movies, he's been set on fire, exploded, shot and dismembered, shot again, and torn apart by Glen/Glenda. In Cult of Chucky, he lives by cloning his soul using magic.

Because Charles Lee Ray's soul is tied to magic, it stands to reason the only thing that can kill him is more magic. This is supported by the fact that he lived in Cult of Chucky, when magic was used to keep him alive, using the Damballa chant. If Jake wants to kill Chucky, he better head to the internet for some quick magical training.

Source: Universal Pictures

The other question to ask is: Does Jake want to kill Chucky? Yes, they are on the outs after Episode 4, but Chucky has become some sort of surrogate father to Jake in the wake of his father's death.

And, it almost feels as if Jake has become a replacement child since Chucky's own kid did try to kill him. Only time will tell if this chaotic, semi-codependent relationship, will end in the deaths of Jake and/or Chucky.

